Sweet, Sugars Oh My! – Nutrition Tips for Oral Health
Let’s talk about oral health! Your oral health may not be on top of your mind every day, but it’s a crucial part of your

All About Adaptogens
Stress getting in the way of enjoying life? What do you do when you are stressed? Maybe you unwind by going on a walk,

Eat Mindfully During the Holidays
For me, eating during the holidays is ANYTHING but mindful. There’s always tons of food, everyone around me is eating, and at least for my

Kitchen Hacks: Lighten Up Your Holiday Meal!
Healthy Holidays! This week’s kitchen hack is all about making your holiday menu a little healthier. Holidays are fast approaching, and that means two things:

Fourth Of July Recipe Inspo
I’ve recently moved to the U.S. (good timing, right?!). Literally, I got here the day before the shut-down, and have been navigating a new country

Kitchen Hacks: Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Dietitian
Welcome to my first edition of #fastfoodorders, where I share what a dietitian would order at a popular fast food chain, highlighting that all foods

Kitchen Hacks: Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Dietitian
This is for anyone studying nutrition, interested in studying, or those looking for an idea of what goes on in the mind of a dietitian.

RD Fast Food Orders: Chipotle Edition
Welcome to my third edition of #fastfoodorders, where I share what a dietitian would order at a popular fast food chain, highlighting that all foods

Top Pantry Staple Recipes To Make!
These days, our pantries are our best friend. Really, my self isolation self is looking for any sort of connection, and currently I’m connecting with

Pantry Meal Inspiration
Looking for inspiration within your own pantry? You’ve come to the right place! You can make delicious, healthy meals using items from your pantry. Here
Quarantine Cooking Shopping List
If you’re looking at spending a little more time inside and a lot less time out and about, chances are you’re thinking about food. Let’s

Kitchen Hacks: Chia Pudding 101
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you’ve tried or heard of chia seeds. No, I’m not talking about your

Kitchen Hacks: Meal Prep Myths – Debunked!
Meal prep can seem daunting. It takes planning, time, and is a pain in the a$$… right? Well, 2/3 of those are true – the

RD Fast Food Orders: Jamba Juice
Welcome to my second edition of #fastfoodorders, where I share what a dietitian would order at a popular fast food chain, highlighting that all foods