Nosh With Micah

Fourth Of July Recipe Inspo

I’ve recently moved to the U.S. (good timing, right?!). Literally, I got here the day before the shut-down, and have been navigating a new country during COVID – that means virtual apartment hunting, delays, trying to ACTUALLY buy toilet paper but not finding it, and oh – knowing no one and having zero support. Ya, it’s been a ride.

With July 4th around the corner, I’ve needed something to look forward to, to get inspired in the kitchen, and to break up the monotony of life (cue the little violins amirite?!).

While I’m not a fan of traditional American grub, I can get behind the red, white and blue theme of the day with these two non-recipe ideas for your 4th of July celebration.


Red White & Blue Fruit Board

As simple as throwing some local fruits on a board – this comes together in a jif. I used strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cherries with cute AF apples for a fruit board that is worth waking up to.


Red White & Blue Chia Pudding

Using my simple chia pudding recipe, I added in all the berries I could find – from mashed blackberries to raspberries mashed into yogurt to make these cute little jars. It’

How are you celebrating the long weekend?

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